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Blood Sugar Balancing Breakfasts for Kids

Four healthy breakfasts to try this summer

We have all been guilty of hurriedly pressing pieces of toast into our children’s hands as they race out the door, and that is fine, sometimes we have to pick our battles. But, for the days that we have more time, there is no better way to set our kids up for the day than with a well-balanced breakfast filled with protein, healthy fats, slow-release carbohydrates, and plenty of vitamins and minerals.

When we eat foods high in sugar it causes a blood sugar spike, which while not inherently dangerous in people without diabetes, can cause mood swings, and cravings for more sugar. By pairing foods that are high in carbohydrates and sugar with protein and healthy fats we can manage that spike. A breakfast with a mix of these nutrients should stop your kids pestering you for snacks before the working day has even begun.

*Disclaimer, strong emphasis on the *should* as it’s the summer holidays and we all know kids can have four breakfasts, two lunches, and 24 snacks, and yet still proclaim to be “starving”.

  1. Baked Oats

Baked oats for breakfast topped Wirth strawberries

Jazz up your morning porridge with what is essentially a healthy cake. There are millions of recipe videos on Instagram and TikTok that offer delicious takes on this. The essential ingredients are oats, some sort of liquid – whether that be; milk, a plant alternative, or water – an egg, and baking powder. To this, you can add whatever takes your fancy – nuts, seeds, fruit, honey, vanilla essence, or even a small amount of chocolate chips or marshmallows – remember what we said about pairing foods with a high glucose content to manage the spike? The protein in the oats, egg, and milk will help balance out the sugar in the sweet toppings.

  1. Avocado Toast

Avocado toast and peanut butter rice cake for breakfast

This may be a divisive one. In our experience kids either love or loathe avocados; there’s no in-between. If you are one of the lucky ones with avocado-obsessed kids then this is a super easy breakfast to make. Simply mash up the avocado with some lime juice, salt, and pepper and add to your toast. Now comes the fun part; the toppings. Use chopped up cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, or almonds to make faces and patterns in the toast, or pomegranate seeds to make the plate look pretty, and for their antioxidant properties, of course. Avocados are in season between April and July so you can often find good deals on them during this time making it a cost-effective breakfast too!

  1. Chia Pudding

Chair pudding for breakfast with blueberries on a table with cloth and silver spoon

Any breakfast with pudding in the title is sure to be a winner with kids. This one takes a little bit of foresight as it should be prepared the night before but the prep only takes a matter of minutes making it a low effort, high reward kind of meal. Most recipes only contain three ingredients; chai seeds, milk or plant alternative, and a sweetener of your choice. Mix together in a bowl, or individual jars if you’re feeling fancy, top with fruit and pop in the fridge over night for a healthy breakfast packed with iron, fibre, protein, antioxidants, and B vitamins. It really is that simple!

  1. Dippy Eggs and Soldiers

Boiled egg in a cup for breakfast with silver spoon on table with flowers

An absolute classic, dippy eggs are the epitome of childhood breakfasts. Admittedly, they take a little more cooking that chai pudding or avocado toast, but there’s something so fun about dipping soldiers into a softly boiled egg. Eggs are naturally rich in vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, and potassium, and the sensory experience of dipping may encourage kids to try it who otherwise wouldn’t be so keen on eating eggs. Our top tip to minimise breakage when boiling is to add a slug of vinegar to the pan and never use fridge-cold eggs.