It’s Always Important to Have Hope

And relax….it’s all over for another year. Most people are in one of two camps. You either wish Christmas to go on and on, or like me, you’re glad to see the back of it. It’s time to brush off the cobwebs of 2022 and step into a new year which we all hope will be an improvement on the last. I always hope for improvement, even if the previous year has gone okay because it’s important to always have hope.
So…new year resolutions. We all have them, some of us even see them through! Mine this year? Accept the things I can’t change. So much has happened to me in my life so far, and as a result I’ve been to rock bottom and back.
I aim to live in the moment (if you’re in to your mindfulness) and to enjoy every little bit of life.
I recently got accepted for a new job. Of course I’m delighted and can’t wait to start, however the process hasn’t been that straightforward. In a case of what I call ‘stigma’, I’ve felt that I’ve been harassed about my mental health history and current state. Let me be clear: this has not come from my new employer but rather an outside agency completing the vetting process. I have found this humiliating and quite truthfully I shouldn’t.
I’m not ashamed of my mental health issues but I was made to feel apologetic for essentially being human. If I were in a position of mental unrest I might really have taken this to heart. I don’t think it’s fair to be judged like that and maybe we or I should make more of a stand.
In other news things are ticking along quite nicely. My mood continues to remain stable and I am honestly enjoying life. Just embracing each day and not taking any nonsense!
I sincerely hope for anyone reading this that you are in a healthy happy mindset going into this new year. If for reasons you are feeling in distress or just not quite yourself then please reach out.
Don’t feel ashamed or anxious about asking for help. It’s a huge big step but one that is very much worth it.