Three Northern Ireland schools nominated for star-studded film awards

 A film made by pupils of Cranmore Integrated Primary School in Belfast celebrating 40 years of Integrated Education is one of three Northern Ireland nominations for this year’s prestigious Into Film Awards.

The annual awards ceremony returns after being cancelled last year and held virtually in 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The three Northern Ireland nominations are: Beechlawn Special School for Into Film Club of the Year, Teacher of the Year nominee Michele McAlonan from Cliftonville Integrated Primary and Cranmore Integrated Primary for Best Film.

All three nominees will take part in a star-studded ceremony at the ODEON Luxe Leicester Square on 28 June where an esteemed group of film stars will be on hand to present awards to the winners.

Cranmore’s mini documentary, entitled ‘Integrated Education Month’ created by the school’s P6 pupils was nominated in the 11 and Under category for the awards, which celebrate the film-making talents of young people across the UK and the work of educators who inspire them.

Scripted and performed by the children, who also designed the backdrops and performed part of the soundtrack, the film examines the changes in Northern Ireland over the last four decades and looks at what makes a good integrated school.

The third nomination from Northern Ireland is Beechlawn Special School Sixth Form for ‘Into Film Club of the Year’. The club is a safe environment for pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN), some of whom find it difficult to communicate effectively.

The film club enables the pupils to choose films, have open discussions about the characters and write reviews. It has helped to improve their engagement and develop friendships. During periods of lockdown caused by Covid-19, the club was run virtually which helped ease the pupils’ feeling of isolation.

This year’s film nominations reflect the unprecedented challenges young people have been through over the past two years.

All the 2022 nominated films are available to watch here