An event every day that begins at 12:00 am, repeating until February 29, 2024
Pull on your boots and discover the magic of our wetlands this autumn with Quentin Blake’s illustrations as your guide.
Quentin says “Visitors will be walking with me, and I like to think of myself walking with them. I shan’t mind if I get my feet wet.”
Pick up one of our Drawn to Water illustrated trails and explore our seasonal natural highlights, from quiet spots with breathtaking views to close up wildlife encounters.
Spend time with friends and family and engage your senses as you experience uplifting autumnal colours, the crunch of leaves underfoot and the sounds of migrating birds.
When: Selected dates until 29 Feb
Where: WWT Castle Espie, Comber
Cost: Admission charge
Time: Various
Grab your best bobble hat, pick up a Quentin Blake ‘Drawn to Water’ illustrated guide, and get exploring.
Visit the event website here: www.wwt.org.uk